— Prepare. Have an outline or a mini-script of what you intend to discuss with the legislator. If necessary, do research so that you know the subject and its relevancy to current legislation.
— Identify yourself by giving your name and address.
—Relax if you are nervous, relax and treat the phone call like a normal telephone conversation. Do not read word for word from a prepared script, but speak coherently and slowly.
—Be brief. Clearly and concisely state your position and make your point. Limit your call to one issue. Make separate phone calls for other issues.
—Identify the legislation. Make sure you identify the legislation you are discussing by name and number, or by its sponsors. If the legislator or staff person is not familiar with the legislation, provide him or her with a brief summary.
–Ask for a viewpoint and vote. Find out the legislator’s views on the legislation, and ask for a commitment to vote for or against the legislation.
—Don’t argue. It is ineffective to engage in an argument with the legislator or staff person about the issue. You will be more likely to get your message across by keeping your cool, and your conversation clear and simple. Be courteous, direct and fair. Do not tell them it’s your heritage etc. Always inform them of the Votes, taxes, jobs, Businesses, livelihoods that will be lost or gained by outlawing or making legal Gamecock testing.
—Don’t get discouraged. Don’t give up if you get a busy signal. This simply means that others are getting through with a message as well. (You can always send a fax if you can’t get through right away). Also, don’t be discouraged if you speak with a staff person. Most legislative aides are very reliable in relaying the messages and are knowledgeable about the issues. Conduct the conversation as you would with the legislator.
–Fellow up. Send a thank you note to the legislator or staff person. Although listening to citizen views is part of their jobs, this is a courtesy and a great opportunity to briefly restate your position in writing.
–Contacting your elected officials or their office by way of the telephone is a highly effective, quick, and convenient way of expressing your concerns to your government. Telephone calls are the most effective late in the process for a piece of legislation, right before the vote comes to the floor. This is the time that your representation needs to know that their constituents are watching and paying close attention to their actions.
In all likelihood, you may not get a chance to talk directly to your elected official, but there will be staff available to document or log your position on an issue or to answer any questions you may have – it is precisely to be of help in duties such as this that they are on staff. Normally, elected officials have their staff keep a running tally of pros and cons on certain hotly debated or volatile issues. This is an effective way for them to keep in touch with the concerns of their constituents.
Make sure that you ask that the legislator send you an explanation of his or her position in writing, when speaking with their staff. You will then be able to document their position and remind them of it later, if necessary. When calling the office of an elected official, please note that you should always identify yourself as a registered voter in his or her district, if indeed you are. Keep your call short and direct – There is no need to give a long explanation of why you feel strongly about a particular issue. When calling in regard to a highly controversial issue, be polite yet firmly assert your feelings on the issue.
Always inform them of the taxes, jobs, Businesses, livelihoods that will be lost or gained