These links do not necessarily share our beliefs on the Gamecock or its heritage, but they all want to save the Gamecock from the Animal rights Extremists and extinction or expose the animal rights movement for what they are culturally prejudice, Intolerant bigots
Cockfighting in Socio-Historical Context
Some Sociological Observation On A Socially Disvalued Sport
By Clifton D. Bryant, Ph.D.
National Survey Findings About The American Cocker
(Better Know as the Clemson Report) Some Findings About
American Cockers Resulting From National Survey Conducted IN 1974
A Survey and Analysis of the Sport of Cockfighting in Britain,
and a study of the Criminology of Cockfighting Offenders, in
the period 1991-1992
by Dr Barry F. Peachey
Gamecock Websites
Smoketime Gamebird
Save the Cockfighters
Gamecock Associations
American Gamefowl Society
The Gamefowl Preservation Society of Texas, Inc
United Gamefowl Breeders Association
Gamecock Forums
Asian Gamefowl Society of America
Naked heels
Gamecock Blogs
MANA Amenities Online
United Nations of Cockfighting
Spur bittergame
Historical Gamecock Books
1709 1899 THE ROYAL PASTIME OF Cockfighting
1869 Game fowls their origin and history
1873 The Game Cock
1877 The_game_fowl
1878 cockers manual
1886 The book of games
1899 Complete guide for conditioning heeling and handling the game cock for the pit
1900 Cock fighting
1900 Rules of the cock pit
The Game Fowl old English and Modern
The old English gamefowl
Source: http://archive.org/
Gamecocks Around the World
Asian Gamefowl Society Link Page
Bankiva Gamefowl
Gamefowl Club Italia
Germany 1
Indian rooster
Russian National Gamefowl League
Thai Game Fowl
The Calcutta Aseel Club
Gamecock Art
Gamefowl Posters & Prints
Exposing the animal rights movement for what they are hypocrites
Expose Animal Rights
Missouri Federation of Animal Owners
National Animal Interest Alliance
Peta Kills Animals
Target Of Opportunity
John Goodwin Exposed
If you have any links to add please let us know and we will post them