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Written by

D. Henry Wortham

1.--When matching cocks or stags in mains or hacks, all birds that weigh even or within 2 ounces of each other automatically match. Cocks and stags weighing 6-5 and over are considered shakes and matched at catch weights.

a. In a tournament or derby when a cock is brought to the scales he must not weigh a fractional part of an ounce over the stipulated weight and must not weigh less than three ounces under the stipulated weight. Should a cock be brought to the scales over or under the stipulated weight, the referee shall order the pitter to bring in a cock that will make the weight. The referee will wait a reasonable length of time but no longer than 20 minutes and if the entry has not produced a cock of the proper weight it will be his duty to go to the offending pitter's cockhouse and if necessary weigh every cock eligible to fight to see if such a cock is available. Should it not be or if the entry refuses to bring the proper cock to the pit, then the referee has no alternative but to declare the
offending entry a loser. However, other entrants with the exception of the one matched against the offender and management are to pool every cock of this weight; each bird is to be indicated only by band number and entry number on a folded slip of paper. The non-offending member in this circumtance will draw from a container in charge of the referee and so determine which bird he will meet. Under no circumstances should a fight be awarded to anyone without fighting for the victory.

(Not a definite rule but as a suggestion) Clubs are urged, with the consent of all entries involved, to institute a house rule imposing a specified money fine for failure to comply with agreed time limits in heeling. Such fines are payable immediately and are added to the purse.

b. In matching derbies no entrant shall be forced to give away more than three ounces unless agreeable to entry or owner concerned and all entries. If impossible to match within these limits, even though within advertised top and bottom weights,the entry will be withdrawn if weight differential is objectionable. Forfeit or entry fee to be returned. Advertised top and bottom weights in a derby are to be considered check weights insofar as the matching is concerned. In derbies lasting more than one day this rule must be differently construed. Should an entry once start to fight through one day of a multi-day meet he is obligated to continue to the end of the meet even though it would be impossible to match his cocks as stated. It is the duty of the match-maker to match such cocks that do not meet the 3-ounce differential at the closest possible weight.

2.--In tournaments and derbies the referee or referees shall be selected by the pit management. They or he is accepted as satisfactory by all entrants upon signature of Contract or by payment of entry fee. After entrants have accepted referees and have signified acceptance by payment of entry fee or signature of contract, any decision of the referees will govern. No entry will be accepted who does not agree to abide with the provisions of this and all other rulings.
a. In mains the referee should be selected or agreed upon by the principals.
b. The referees decision is final and unrevokable regarding all violations of rules or the conduct of pitters when fighting under these rules.

3.--Unless event rulings specify otherwise, any length heel that is round from socket to point is fair.
a. In localities where custom limits the length of blade to 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" it shall be the duty of the pit operator or promoter to post in a conspicuous place the exact definition of a fair heel in that particular pit. It shall also be the duty of the referee to see that all entrants and participants are acquainted with any and all pit rulings as to what constitutes a fair 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" gaff, before any battles are fought.

4.--Feathers. Cocks shall be shown in full feather which is defined as follows: tail, wing, saddle, and feathers around the vent may be trimmed. The referee will not band any cock that does not meet the provisions of this paragraph.Shaving and trimming head or hackle feathers is not permissable. In extreme emergency, if a cock is a fraction over the specified weight when presented at the scales, under body feathers may be thinned in such a manner as in the referees opinion, fighting ability of the cock is not impaired.

5.--In tournaments and derbies, entries, upon arriving on the club grounds, are under the jurisdiction of the pit management.

6.--All cocks in derbies or tournaments are to be banded by the referee or his representative before any matching procedure is started. No one but the referee or his designated representative should have access to the band numbers used on the respective entrants.
a. After a meet has once commenced, any entry or entries that are detected borrowing, or using or attempting to use any cock that does not have the band assigned to him or is not properly banded shall lose the fight in question and all interest in all purses. The same penalty is to be imposed upon all parties connected with such fraud or attempted fraud. For the immediate fight in such event the procedure described in sub-paragraph "a" of rule 1 is to be used. The innocent party must fight a cock to get a win.
b. Any cock that has been banded and fought cannot be refought in the same main, derby or tournament unless he has been rebanded by the referee prior to leaving the fighting pit (not pit building) at completion of original fight.


Fighting Rules

1.--Upon the pitters entrance to the pit, the referee will weigh his cock, check band numbers, carefully examine heels and see that the cock complies in every way with these rules. Pitters will also be allowed to check weights and heels to protect his own interests.

2.--Billing. After cocks are declared eligible the referee will compel the pitters to bill cocks a few times, order them to get ready and then pit at his command. If in the process of billing, a cock is disabled in any way, it is classed as negligence on the part of the pitter and the cock must be shown. Billing is considered a part of the fight.

3.--Pitting from 8 foot scores. The score lines will be drawn eight feet apart and cocks must be pitted directly on these lines at all times--the cocks are to be put down squarely on their feet in the center of their respective score, directly facing each other, not sideways, and released immediately at the command pit. Pitting in front or behind the score line, walking or running the cock up to the line is not permissable.

4.--Pitting on the center score (as called for under Count and Time provisions) is performed with one hand, at all times. At the order get ready by referee the pitters immediately take one hand off and away from cocks--they will not be allowed to touch the cock in any manner except with the hand holding cock after the order "get ready." Pitters are to be in a standard position when delivering the cock, not kneeling, to permit immediate retirement six feet from the birds.
a. Position of free hand. After "get ready" the free hand will be carried no further to the front than the center of the pitters hip and will not be in motion in any manner that in the referee's opinion will distract the opposing cock.
b. The center score lines are to be drawn 22 inches part. At the order pit the pitters must come down, from knee height, with their cocks so that the feet rest directly and squarely on the score line and both cocks must be facing each other. The referee shall be the judge as to any unorthodox positions caused by physical condition of the cock.
c. The hand holding the cock must be directly under the bird, open, and between his legs.

5.--Pitters position. At all times the pitter and cock will be in full view of the audience and referee. At the order get ready both pitters must come to their score lines, facing each other. After pitting, either at the 8-foot or center score, the pitter will retire six feet from his cock and then will at all times stay at least six feet from either cock until the referee orders handle.

6.--Handle. After cocks are pitted and fighting the referee will only order handle when it is apparent that one or both cocks are hung. It is entirely up to the referee when to order a handle--when this order is given the cocks must be handled immediately whether the cocks prove to be hung or not.
a. Cocks must not be touched at any time during battle, by either handler or the referee, until the order of handle is given, when the pitters will promptly obey.
b. The order of handle will be given when a cock is hung in his opponent, the pit, himself, or in case of a foul.
c. Should the referee be in doubt at any time as to whether the cocks are hung in any manner he should order a handle.
d. The pitter is to pull the gaff from his own cock. He will grasp the other cock below the knee and without lifting from floor remove the gaff.
e. A pitter will not be allowed to touch the opposing cock at any time except after the order of handle to protect himself or his cock and this must be done with an open hand. Mashing or unnecessary roughness is a foul.

7.--Rest. The period of rest between pittings, after handling is 20 seconds. At the end of this period the referee will call get ready followed by the command pit which is to be issued no longer than five seconds after the get ready call.

8--Giving of count. A cock is entitled to the count when he fights last, or when the other cock runs away. Count is given only when called for by the pitter of the cock entitled to same. Pitter calling for the Count when entitled to it, must call for it within five seconds, otherwise he loses right to the count and Time is given if both cocks are not fighting. The referee decides whether the count is asked for in the five second period. It is the pitter's responsibility to call for the count at all times when entitled to it but it cannot be forced upon him when not desired. In case of a runaway, Count can be called for at any time.

9.--The Count--The Count is three Tens, and one Twenty (established by long custom and the order of these rules), with rest of twenty seconds between each pitting. Counting shall always be done by the referee, and not by the pitter, with the object of having each Ten cover ten seconds and the Twenty Count, twenty seconds. After the three Tens are counted, the referee again counts Twenty and awards the battle to the cock having the Count. For the 20-count the cocks are pitted on the center score. Should the cock having the Count hang, the referee will call Handle, then get ready and then pit. When once the cocks get to the center score, either in Time or Count, they remain there until completion of the fight. If cocks are handled for any reason, except in case of time, they will be repitted on the same score as at beginning of the pitting.
If handled, the Count shall continue from where it was left off when handled. If hung again, they shall be handled and repitted in the same manner. The full three counts of Ten or one count of Time must be completed before cocks are pitted on center score. However, if they have previously been pitted on the center score, they shall be so pitted at the end of each count of Ten.

10.--Breaking count. When a cock being counted out fights, or cock having the count runs, the referee will call, count broken, and when given again, it starts over again with the first Ten. A cock breaking the count by fighting is entitled to the Count himself, if opposing cock is not fighting. If a cock having the Count dies, the opposing cock wins, if not a runaway--but if a runaway (because it is impossible to determine the gameness of the dead cock) and a runaway can not win, neither entry will receive credit for this fight on scorecard, although it is a theoretical draw. If a cock having the count runs, opposing cock is entitled to the Count, if not a runaway--but if a runaway (both running) Time is given. If both cocks are running neither has the count and each entry loses a full fight. If both cocks are dead or dying and distinctly unable to break count, the fight is a draw and each entrant is awarded one-half fight. A runner cannot win under any circumstances. Dead cocks are entitled to draw only as stated. The referee is to continue all counts are times before rendering a final decision.

11.--Time. When both cocks stop fighting, or run, and neither has the count, within five seconds, the referee shall automatically give Time of 20 seconds, three times. In taking Time, referee shall call out Time Is Going On, and at the end of 20 seconds call Handle. When pitted again, cocks are pitted beak to beak on the center score, and so on until three 20 seconds have been given from the start of the first Time, and fight will then be declared a draw. To be fully understood whenever Time is given, each Time will be 20 seconds with 20 seconds rest between pittings. If neither fights, unless both are running, the battle is a draw. When both cocks are running each entrant loses a full fight.

12.--Dead cocks. A dead cock is one that in the opinion of the referee is actually dead and not dying; he loses to a live cock if the latter is not a runaway. The referee is to continue to the end of all counts or time before rendering a decision or making an examination of the birds. If both cocks are dead, the fight is a draw, each entry credited with a half fight.

13.--Testing and Gameness. The question of gameness or of a cock being a runner shall be left to the discretion of the referee at all times and not the pitters. At no time will a fresh cock be brought into the pit to test the gameness of another cock unless the opposing cock is physically unable, in referee's opinion, to show fight.

14.--Leaving the pit. When a cock leaves the pit during a fight under any circumstances, he will automatically lose any count or counts he may have. The referee will immediately order a handle, and give Time. The cock remaining in the pit receives the count only by fighting when next ordered pitted by the referee. However, if in the opinion of the referee, the cock leaving the pit is running the cock remaining (if not a runaway or dead himself) will automatically receive the count, if desired. If the cock that has left pit is not present at end of 20-second rest period for the order of pit, the cock remaining in the pit automatically receives the count (if not running or dead). In such instances referee will continue through all counts and rest periods, before making the final decision. If a cock is brought back at any time he is to be pitted at the commencement of next pitting. If he is not brought back before the commencement of the 20-count he is declared the loser if cock in pit is not dead or running.
a. Should the cock remaining in the pit be a runner, Time is called. The cock that has left the pit may be returned and pitted at the commencement of the next Time and if he shows fight will acquire the count. However, if both cocks are not present when the order to pit is given for the third and final Time, or the cock in the pit is still running, the fight is declared a draw and rules governing two runners apply.

15.--Fighting. Fighting is striking, chasing, pecking or pecking at the other cock in the opinion of the referee. When cocks are motionless and one or both are holding or apparently holding and neither pitter claims or is entitled to the count, the referee shall give Time.
a. In tournaments and derbies a cock is deemed to have been matched when the referee cuts off his band or if not banded when the referee has completed weighing and examination of heels and declares the cock eligible to fight. He cannot be replaced by the entrant if he does not show. In hacks the cocks will be considered matched after the referee calls the first "get ready." In a hack, should a cock not face in the preliminary billing, the fight is declared "no contest."
b. These rules definitely state what is fair and unfair pitting and define the penalties. In a hack, when evidence of fraud or collusion between the parties fighting is discovered, the fight shall immediately be stopped by the referee and declared a draw.



1.--Under these rules the referee is the sole judge and jury and is fully empowered to inflict penalties for any violations of the Rules. In addition to those already mentioned the penalties at the discretion of the referee may be, forfeiture of count, awarding of count to the opposing cock, disbarment of pitter, or disqualification of entry from further participation in the event. If an entry is disqualified, management is to make every effort in cooperation with entrants who have met or do not meet the offender, to produce the needed cocks at the proper weights to complete the meet. The offending entry can win nothing. If it is impossible to find cocks that will meet the weights in a tournament, the remaining entries will receive 1/2 fight when matched with the ejected entry, all previous fights to stand as recorded. In the case of a derby the referee, if cocks are not available to complete the match list, will be forced to temporarily halt the meet and rematch the remaining entries.
The following are unfair, foul practices, or not permissible.
The use of unfair heels.
Unfair trimming out.
Borrowing, buying, or loaning cocks after an event is matched.
Use of cocks not properly banded.
Handling before the order of referee.
Not pitting at the order of the referee.
Turning cock loose before order of pit.
Not observing the 6-foot rule and hovering over cocks.
Not pitting with one hand at the breast.
Clucking, blowing, waving handkerchiefs, or any action that may attract attention of cock.
Changing or replacing gaffs, cutting off a gaff or broken gaff, cutting off a broken wing during the course of battle.
Assistance by anyone in the pit is not legal.
The use of individual watercups is prohibited and the pit will furnish fresh water for the use of both pitters.
No pitter will pit for more than one entry provided however that an entry may change pitters if desired between fights. In case of injury this rule may be relaxed.
No cock can be withdrawn and the fight given up in a tournament or derby battle as all other entries are interested. In all match fights cocks must be fought to a finish and with the referee alone having the right to decide the result of a contest. Contestants cannot agree to a draw.
The time allowed to heel after a fight has been called will be announced to all entrants before the start of the event. This provision will be strictly enforced by the referee and appropriate penalties inflicted.
Pitting in a manner other than prescribed by the rules, such as shoving, holding, jerking back, pasting any object over cock's eye, ducking cock's head under opposing cock, holding a cock's head down (putting him to sleep), holding a cock over opponent.

2.--The referee is specifically bound to use the following procedure if violations occur during pittings where count is in progress.
a. If the pitter of the cock having count, for any reason commits a foul, a handle is ordered and he automatically loses count or counts he may have.
b. If the pitter of the cock being counted out for any reason commits a foul, a handle is ordered and another count awarded against him.

3.--The pit is not to be violated in any manner during the course of a fight. This means directly that no one except the two pitters and the referee are to be within the pit enclosure after cocks are once billed and no other person may enter except in the case of injury when a substitute pitter may take over the duties of the injured handler. Following pairs of cocks are not to be brought into the pit for weighing until the fighting pair have left for the drag pit or completed their battle. Neither shall handlers of fighting cocks sit on or near the pitside where the actions of their birds can in any way distract the fighting pair.

4.--Any action of either handler that may prevent a cock from winning or fighting may be called foul and penalized by the referee.


Considered by many a mystery, the actual process of preparing a match list for a tournament or derby is comparatively simple. It is only necessary that the matchmaker bear in mind that by a mathematical process, in the case of a tournament, every entry must meet each other one time. In the Derby it is only necessary that the total number of cocks shown be matched and there is no obligation on the part of the matchmaker to do more than match the cocks at the closest possible weights and avoid "double meets" if he can.

As a guide to those not familiar with management of a tournament or derby the two types of matched fights will be discussed seperately.


The cocking tournament as known today is a method of fighting devised by the late Sol P. McCall of Louisiana, often called the "Father of the Tournament." In the year 1908 he introduced to the fraternity a "new" way of matching cocks which immediately took the fancy of cockers from one end of the country to the other and until recent years the major events were all fought in this type of competition. His "new" idea was simply that a stated number of entrants were to show a stated number of cocks at previously determined weights in such a way that every entrant would meet each other.

Because of the nature of a tournament it is a necessary that the weights and number of entries be determined in advance so that those desiring to participate may know how many fowl will be needed. It is also advisable to demand a sizeable forfeit to assure the presence of the full entry list. The withdrawal of an entry during the course of a tournament would naturally upset the predetermined match list and the majority of the pits now ask all entrants to sign a contract in which they agree to fight all fights to a finish, regardless of their place on the score card.

The Orlando (Florida) Game Club contract is considered by many to be a model of simplicity. It first states the particular "house rules" which govern their tournament, the weights, forfeit, prize money and other pertinent information. It then asks each entrant to sign a short contract which reads as follows:

"I hereby agree to take an entry in the Or-
lando Tournament to be held at the Orlando
Game Club at Orlando, Fla., Jan. ................
and in so doing agree to abide by the rules. I
agree to fight all the scheduled fights in the
tournament and acknowledge that my entry is
under the jurisdiction of Club rules from the
time it enters the grounds.
"I am enclosing $200 as a guarantee, which
Is to be applied on entrance fee, and I agree
to put up the balance on or before................
"The money is to be made payable to ......."
Date ....................... Signed ........................

It has been shown that banding all cocks to be shown in the tournament is one of the best ways to prevent substitutions or "switching" of cocks. Bands should be affixed by the referee or his appointed assistant prior to the start of the event with a different series of numbers assigned to each entrant. The referee will keep a record of these numbers and check them when cocks are brought to the pit. Care should be exercised that the bands are firmly and tightly affixed and it is a good practice to use a band on each leg.

In recent years it has become the custom to band all cocks in any entry's cockhouse and permit him to use any of these birds as desired, as long as they meet the weight requirements as stated in the rules.There is less chance of unsportsmanlike conduct than if the entry is forced to use only the exact number of birds called for in the contract.

It is of utmost importance that the match list be drawn up correctly. The following charts will be found correct and as printed indicate how the entries will meet in each row of weights. As the matching is a mathematical problem the calling of the first weight will indicate the "key" of the list and under no circumstances can the list be changed after the original call. It is not necessary however, that the "rows" be used as printed--the referee can use any "row" he wishes for any particular weight. All of this should be determined before the start of the meet and the referee deals only in 'numbers' not 'names' when making his match list. The entrants themselves are identified with the numbers by having them draw from a hat or box, slips or envelopes containing a number, according to the number of entrants.

9-5, 4-8, 3-10, 2-6, 1-7
3-6, 4-10, 7-8, 1-9, 2-5
2-7, 4-9, 5-8, 6-10, 1-3
3-8, 6-7, 1-2, 9-10, 4-5
3-9, 4-2, 7-10, 6-5, 1-8
3-7, 4-6, 8-9, 1-5, 2-10
2-3, 5-10, 6-8, 7-9, 1-4
3-4, 5-7, 8-10, 1-6, 2-9

11-12, 9-5, 4-8, 3-10, 2-6, 1-7
2-8, 3-5, 4-7, 6-11, 9-12, 1-10
2-5, 3-6, 4-10, 7-11, 8-12, 1-9
2-7, 4-9, 5-8, 6-12, 10-11, 1-3
9-10, 4-5, 12-3, 8-11, 6-7, 1-2
6-5, 7-12, 10-2, 3-9, 4-11, 1-8
9-6, 4-2, 3-8, 5-11, 7-10, 1-12
2-12, 3-7, 8-10, 4-6, 9-11, 1-5
2-3, 5-10, 6-8, 7-9, 4-12, 1-11
2-11, 5-7, 8-9, 3-4, 10-12, 1-6
2-9, 3-11, 5-12, 6-10, 7-8, 1-4

2-6, 3-10, 4-8, 9-5, 11-14, 12-13, 1-7
2-8, 3-5, 7-13, 4-14, 6-11, 9-12, 1-10
2-13, 5-14, 3-6, 4-10, 7-11, 8-12, 1-9
3-13, 2-7, 4-9, 5-8, 6-12, 10-11, 1-14
10-13, 1-2, 4-5, 12-3, 8-11, 6-7, 9-14
5-13, 1-8, 7-12, 10-2, 3-9, 4-11, 6-14
2-5, 3-7, 6-10, 8-9, 13-11, 14-12, 1-4
6-9, 2-14, 4-13, 3-8, 5-11, 7-10, 1-12
3-14, 2-12, 5-7, 8-10, 4-6, 9-11, 1-13
7-14, 1-11, 2-3, 5-10, 6-8, 4-12, 9-13
1-6, 2-11, 5-12, 8-7, 3-4, 10-9, 13-14
2-4, 5-6, 7-9, 8-13, 11-12, 14-10, 1-3
2-9, 3-11, 4-7, 6-13, 8-14, 10-12, 1-5

1-3, 2-4, 6-8, 9-11, 10-12, 13-15, 14-16, 5-7
2-3, 5-8, 6-7, 9-12, 10-11, 13-16, 14-15, 1-4
1-2, 4-6, 7-9, 8-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 3-5
2-6, 3-4, 14-10, 8-9, 13-11, 7-12, 5-15, 1-16
1-8, 3-14, 4-13, 5-12, 6-11, 7-10, 9-15, 2-16
2-15, 3-16, 4-7, 6-12, 8-14, 10-13, 5-11, 1-9
1-5, 3-11, 6-9, 7-13, 8-12, 10-16, 4-15, 2-14
2-13, 3-6, 4-5, 8-16, 9-14, 10-15, 7-11, 1-12
1-6, 3-15, 4-16, 5-10, 7-8, 9-13, 11-14, 2-12
2-11, 3-13, 4-8, 5-6, 12-16, 7-14, 10-9, 1-15
1-13, 3-8, 4-11, 5-14, 6-10, 9-16, 12-15, 2-7
15-8, 3-7, 4-12, 9-5, 11-16, 10-2, 13-6, 1-14
2-9, 1-11, 5-16, 8-13, 6-14, 7-15, 12-3, 4-10
2-8, 3-10, 4-9, 5-13, 6-16, 11-15, 12-14, 1-7
2-5, 6-15, 7-16, 8-11, 12-13, 14-4, 9-3, 1-10


The Derby as we know it today, is increasing in popularity yearly as it does not place nearly as much stress on the ability of a feeder to "point" his cocks for four or five days and to have them at the peak of their fighting ability while holding at specified weights.

To better understand the Derby we turn back to the year 1929, when according to an article appearig in The Gamecock, some years ago, Bob Dyer of Frankfort, Ky., was trying to promote a tournament. It was in the spring and most cockers had fought out their best cocks. Although several were interested he could not fill his tournament. Some of the prospects did not have enough cocks. Dyer got some of them together for a conference. Among those gathered was E.A.Brophy of Paris, Ky. (Who won this first derby.) They talked the situation over but it seemed hopeless. The only thing left was to hack their roosters--then someone made a suggestion.

"Let's all show five or six cocks and match them according to weight. The one who wins the most fights will get the money." A moments silence while the possibilities were considered, was followed by enthusiatic discussion. Practical suggestions built up the idea and they reached an agreement.
"What will we call it?" someone asked. It was derby-time in Kentucky and the natural answer was, "Let's call it a derby." No one dissented and so the derby was born.

The late Tom Fowler of Knoxville, Tenn., devised a simple system of matching derbies which was widely accepted. As the derby became more popular, officials found some weaknesses and the following procedures have been adopted. They represent the opinions and experiences of many referees, including the author of these rules, and consolidated in an article by Bob Basham printed in Gamecock.

The derby is the stimulant that brought cocking to its present height of popularity in our generation. The odds one may receive in a derby are often great! Even at a small brush fight enough entries may show to make the pot very attractive.

It is because of this financial responsibility a pit, to operate successfully, must set a pattern as to banding, matching and fighting cocks.
While assisting the late Bob Luster in matching a derby, he remarked: "The referees and officials, a few years from now, will have it easy as a pattern will be established for matching these events."
After many years, through the sometimes costly and often embarrassing trial and error system, a way has been found to band, match and fight cocks in a derby that is accurate and fair to all concerned.

The banding of cocks is often taken too lightly by the pit operator. This is a very important phase of conducting a derby. The referee should be supplied with monogramed bands and he should be instructed to put two, yes two bands on each cock, one on each leg and to be sure they are securely sealed. The management should not hand a bunch of bands to some irresponsible person and permit him to band the cocks.

None of the necassary supplies are expensive . . . accurate scales, monogramed bands, weight cards, match board and call sheets. A few dollars will puchase a season's supply. Too many pit operators believe they can run on the simple premise of having enough "door keepers."

As the cocks are banded, the referee should instruct each entry to go the pit manager and draw the weight card (enclosed in a blank envelope) which will have his derby number, pay his entry fee, take or reject the optional, and finish such other business as resreved seats.

Each locality has their own custom regarding the number of cocks to be banded. Time has shown me all cocks on the grounds should be banded and ccounted for. When the weight card as illustrated following is used, only the cocks turned in are eligible to fight, four or six as the derby contract may indicate.


Entry No. .......... | Entry No. ..........
Weight | Band
4-12 | 300
| 301
4-12 | 302
| 303
4-14 | 304
| 305
4-15 | 306
| 307

Note that each weight must correspond to the two bands shown directly across from the specific weight. Also, it will be seen that the card is perforated so the entry can tear it apart and turn in the weight side only for matching.

At the same time weights are turned in, the band side of the card should be deposited in a sealed container, kept in full view of all concerned. The entry should identify himself on the back of this half of the card. This container must not be removed from public view nor opened until the match list is completed and posted, folded to offer no information, yet in view of all present.

The reason for this procedure is to obviate calling entrants back a second time to turn in the band side of the weight card.

In effect this system permits the referee or matchmaker to make a blind match, band to band, without cluttering up the match board with a lot of band numbers.

After the matchmaker has finished the actual match list and posts it in the pit, the "band box" is opened. He puts each section of the card together, then places the weight card in it's entirety beside his call book and enters the corresponding band numbers to the weights he has matched.

Starting at the top of the weight card, he enters the first band number that will correspond to the first matched weight reading down and so on until all band numbers are entered beside their corresponding weight on the match book. This eliminates "fishing" for low band numbers and being able to arbitrarily make certain cocks meet through a first or second call where two or more cocks are turned in at the same weight as the matchmaker now knows who is who. Bear in mind, the match has been made and posted!

If you will give this particular move a bit of consideration, it means in effect that every cock matched fights band-to-band yet the matchmaker is able to tie them together "blind" and has no way of knowing who meets who. When cocks are matched all the way through band-to-band, it is possible by consulting the master band book, to determine who the entries are!

Actually, the careful team of matchmakers simply add the band numbers to the corresponding weight so that when the call sheet is given the entry, there is no excuse for bringing the wrong cock to the scales.

As to the actual matching of cocks, I prefer a sheet of heavy cardboard (which incidentally can be purchased from any print shop in a 22x28 inch size). It is my practice to rule this card into appropriate squares as soon as the definite number of entries is known. (See illustration.)

Across the 28-inch way, very top column, weights in 1-ounce differentials are listed; on the far left are the entry numbers. I like to use extra large numbers at each pound break; the use of a red-blue pencil helps as the pound lines can be identified with one of the colors and helps prevent the bane of any matchmaker, a pound mistake. Half ounces go to the next higher ounce, quarter ounces to the next lower.

After the marks representing the cocks for each entry are placed on the card, of course each mark in the proper weight column, the board is double checked and matching begins. The matchmaker should study the board to see if the matches are possible within three ounces and to see if there are weights difficult to match in the small or large weight brackets. The derby is a "number in the hat" so to speak as far as who meets who is concerned and this has a very direct bearing on the outcome.

Since the numbers are drawn for position on the board the matchmaker must not arbitrarily take this chance out of the game by deliberately matching certain entries or by missing others should he by chance know the identity of certain entrants. An entry should tell no one his number nor the weights of his cocks before the match.

Considering a theoretical derby . . . should entries numbered one and two have 4-12 cocks, they should meet . . . not one and ten. The matchmaker should start at the top of his weight columns and tie the closest numbers together with like weights. There is no excuse for "dodging" around from top to bottom of the entry numbers.


I want to impress on entries that they should insist that cocks are matched in this or any other fair manner s in the first column--not taking entry one past three and five to reach nine!
As the match is being made a helper can run the "check sheet" shown below as a key to let the matchmaker know at all times which pair have met or are still not matched. For the protection of the officials, this should be destroyed at the moment the match-list is checked out. It is a full "picture" of who meets who and possibly of value for buying or selling in the wrong hands.

Entry No. 1 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 2
Entry No. 2 | 7 | 1 | 6 | 9
Entry No. 3 | 1 | 9 | 5 | 10
Entry No. 4 | 1 | 8 | 6 | 5
Entry No. 5 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 6
Entry No. 6 | 5 | 8 | 10 | 2
Entry No. 7 | 2 | 10 | 4 | 8
Entry No. 8 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 9
Entry No. 9 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 8
Entry No. 10 | 9 | 7 | 3 | 6

I was not present, but recently at a 20-odd entry derby where there were plenty of cocks and weights, two entries met twice. This is deplorable and inexcusable on the part of the officials!
After the call book is presented it is the duty and responsibility of the "expediter" or "man at the mike" to make his calls as the matchmaker made the matches. Experience has proven that it is wise to use a written call sheet rather than verbal notification to the coming contestants. We have devised or rather a cocker now an Arkansan, E.T.McLean who operated a large printing plant, a triplicate call sheet illustrated below. (pic forthcoming) Each entry gets a copy and one sheet is given to the referee who is calling the fight in question. This obviates the necessity of lengthy checking of records when the cock reaches the scales as all information is in the hands of those concerned.


At one south-west pit, to keep fights moving and avoid the disturbance attendant to weighing coming pairs of cocks in the pit proper while a fight is going on, an enclosure i provided outside the pit where the referee weighs and checks the next pair called. However, the bands are not cut off until both cocks enter the main pit and they of course must check with the call sheet which the referee retains in his possession until he declares the pair eligible to fight. Both contestants have a duplicate if there is need for a recheck.

At most pits there is a house rule stating a derby is "no ball game" until each man has fought half of his cocks. This was brought about because it is possible that a meet be stopped by Act of God, or Man. Under this premise it is necessary that the first "rows" be called in order until every entrant has fought half his show and only then start to determine the winner by elimination. In other words, a four cock derby should have evry man fight two birds, regardless of score, before calling the third battle for any man. This is not always possible as there are times when all listed entrants do not meet each other, due to weight differentials. In this case it may be necessary to have one man fighting his second cock against an entrant who has fought two.

Should the referee find a bad weight, band, or any other infraction of the Rules, he should call the "Local Committee" (entrants as they drew on the first five odd numbers) and let them say how to dispose of the matter . . . after all, it is their money and fight. This procedure has placed the judging and penalties in the hands of the entries and is being widely accepted as a way for the entries to police themselves.

The completed matchboard is to be folded and secured in a public place where all the entrants and spectators can see it at all times (but so folded that the matches are not in sight). A score card of the meet must correspond with this match card which is to be opened after the fight by the referee--in this way there is proof the cocks were fought as matched.

At a multi-day meet, each day's match list should be posted openly for the inspection of all present after the conclusion of the day's fights. This puts the man who calls the fights and the matchmaker on notice not to make a mistake and for the matchmaker to match the cocks as they fall in by weight and not go by certain entries to make others meet or not meet.

Many cockers have contributed their opinions and suggestions to make up this procedure for matching and fighting derbies. We must be progressive and consider all new ideas to constantly improve all phases of cockfighting, regardless of who advances the thought.

May always the cock win who can and will fight last under the rules!

(These rules copied from the 1961 revised edition of 'MODERN TOURNAMENT AND DERBY RULES' as written by D. Henry Wortham and as printed by 'The Gamecock'.)






Turkish Cockfighting Rules I


Turkish to German Translation: Abduelkadir Temel (1997)
German to English Translation: Werner Lamkemeyer (1998)
Champions-League Istanbul; 1st Version, 1 st Pit (1993)
After a Photography from rules-poster at wall in cockpit Istanbul (Turkey), westpart of town.

§ 1) Regularly lasting time of fights are 2 hours. Every 15 min there must be taken a "water rest" (to cool the rooster). After that break the roosters in the pit have to set head to head 15 cm distanced. Roosters, who can´t see anything, have to set neck to neck.

§ 2) If a rooster wants to lay, get him up; if he lays 3 times after another, he looses. If he runs away 3 times without defence, he looses. If a rooster runs away 3 times or lays, he looses and is out of fight changes. If a judge means, a cock would run, the cock has to put in the center of the pit. If the rooster runs three times or lays three times, the fight is lost for him.

§ 3) If the owner of a rooster means, his cock could have cracks in his beak, he may take out his bird 1 time from the pit (not, if the rooster suppretes at their heads) and may take controlling. The controltime´s maximum is only 30 sec., he may bind the beak, if there is a crack. Binding time may take 5 min, the fight-time is automatically 5 min longer after that. In the 2 min lasting water pause it´s allowed to cut the birds swings, bind the beak as one believes or to take off the beak-binding. If there is a feather in the eye, one may remove it in the water pause, but it is not allowed to dress it. During fight it is not allowed to give the birds dope or spittle on the wounds. The nails and spur-hurts one may dress in 3 min, the fight will last 3 min longer. Only water and sugar is allowed to give the animals.

§ 4) Knifes and artificial spurs are not allowed and strictly forbidden!

§ 5) If a rooster runs away in the first minutes, the fight will be over! If a bird dies or will be hurt in the first 5 min, the fight will be lost, aside from the owner of the hurted cock will serious continue. If a bird moves entangled or wont find his enemy,he may be commanded every 30 sec.. It is not allowed, to place the roosters one upon another or pulled away from the other. If the commanding judge is supposing any kind of manipulation, he or a choosen (from him) trustful person may continue.

§ 6) Fights on gambling do not have equality (half lost); it is not allowed to pronounce equality before 1.5 hours fightingtime. After 1.5 hours it is allowed to break off the fight after deny between the two parties and the judge; the enemies will be equalized. If a rooster looses both eyes and is blind then or serious hurted, the fight may be broke off by the owner of the bird as equality (half lost) or if he wants, continued. (Regular time of fight max. 2 hours)

§ 7) The judge has the right, to break off fight by recognizable manipulation of a fighter (for example doping or secret plannings about the timing of fight). Without a plausible reason no judge may declare a rooster as a looser or as disqualificated.

§ 8) Persons, who are disturbing, drunken or want to manipulate the fight, may be kicked out. Each visitor of pit has to agree with this paragraph.

§ 9) The fights will be valued after a admissed point-system; each breeder or gambler has to agree with, contradiction isn´t possible. Roosters in full given winning time (2 hours) will get 100 points. In case of win before the full time, he will get one point for each minute earlier than the regular full 2 hours (120 min). Example to explain: win in 120 min=100 points win in 110 min=110 points win in 100 min=120 points win in 70 min=150 points win in 40 min=180 points win in 30 min=190 points

§ 10) In case, the looser weighs more than 100g as the winner, the winner gets 5 points extra. For each 100 g more he will get 5 points.

§ 11) The points will the counted together in case if a cock wins two times in an event.

§ 12) 100 points=500 glasses of tea (turkish Çay), after each 50 glasses tea plus, two points will be added to it. (in Turkey gambling is forbidden in money and valuables, so one may only gamble official about less valuables): 550 teas=102 points Birds with similarity in points a draw for range will be done then.

P.S. from the author: Those fights will be evented by Shamo-Aseel strains or mostly turkish Aseel or Hint Horozu. That means, descendent from Hindustan= 






Cockfighting is indeed a unique game of China, which has a history longer than any other animal fight in the world. From Song Dynasty up to the present day, cockfighting has been popular in Kaifeng.


In Kaifeng, the cockfighting enthusiasts are called "cockfighting players". They take cockfighting as a pleasure. Most of the enthusiasts love wushu and drinking. They are loyal to their friends and strict to discipline. They have their own tradition, i.e. they consider principles more important than favoritism . If you really love his gamecock, through a friend's introduction, he can present it to you freely, but you must strictly observe the rules: you may raise it, but you cannot transfer it to others, nor can you breed it with hens. If you are unable t o continue to raise it for one reason or another, you might as well kill it and have its meat, but you must give its head and paws back to its original owner to show your good faith. If you are not a cockfighting enthusiast, the owner will not give his gamecock to you even if you are his close relative or friend. It is said that the enthusiast would rather offer you one thousand dollars than give you a gamecock.

It is no exaggeration to say that the enthusiasts love their cocks more than their children. They always show their deep concern for the cocks. The feed is repeatedly washed before the cock eats it. They spread some fine coal cinder in the cage every day, for fear the cock's feet might be frozen. In winter, which is the cockfighting season, they will cover the cock cage with a cloth hood or with their clothes, or even put the cock into their bosom so as to keep the cock in good health and vigorous fighting will. The gamecocks of Kaifeng are characterized by their pure breeding. The breeding selection is very strict. The enthusiast must know his cock's five older generations. No close breeding is allowed. The purpose in raising the cock is for fighting. The enthusiast has systematic methods in raising and training it.


The training of a gamecock is very interesting. At dawn every morning, the trainer will "drive" the cock. The cock runs in the front and the trainer runs after it. They run faster and faster and the training time is longer and longer. twenty days later, this training will last one hour or so. After the training, he will let the cock have a rest and drink some water. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, the cock will be let free from the cage "for a walk" on an open ground so as to relax its tension of spirit. The cock will be fed at about 12 and then it will have a rest in the cage. At 3 or 4 o'clock the cock will have another walk and then it will be trained for another hour. Before the evening, the cock will be given an additional meal. This method of training can make the cock strong and quick for fighting


The 2nd day of the 1st lunar month is the day for cockfighting competition. Besides, the competition can also be held on the 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month, the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month or the 4th day of the 4th lunar month. When the date is fixed, the cockfighting hollow will be chosen, which is a place lower than the surrounding ground. From the fall of Qing Dynasty to the period of the Republic of China, the square outside the east gate of the inner city of Kaifeng had been used as the cockfighting hollow. But now, the competition is often held in the Longting Park, or the Iron Pagoda Park or the Grand Xiangguo Temple. The cockfighting competition is very bustling, with a large number of people around the fighting hollow, watching. The man in charge of the cockfighting hollow is called "cock head" who is both the judge and the go-between of the two parties of the competition. Before the fighting begins, the both owners of the cocks will examine each other's cock. Only when the two cocks are similar with each other in size, weight and age, can they be made to fight. With the order of the "cock head", the two owners carry their cocks into the competition ground. When the head shouts "Ready!", the two owners squat inside the circle, letting their cocks facing each other. After the head gives order "Let the cocks free!" , the two owners will withdraw from the circle and the two cocks begin to fight. One game will last 15 minutes. At the both ends of the hollow there is a pail of water which is used to cool down the temperature of the cocks after one or two games. At the request of either or both parties, the head will give the order "Hold the cock!". At the order each owner will carry up his cock, weep the blood off the cock's head, and then soak the breast and the parts under the wings with water so as to refresh it for further fighting.


There are some established rules for the watchers to observe in watching cockfighting, i.e. no matter how fierce the fight may be and how brave the cocks are, they cannot cheer or applaud, for fear they might shock the cocks. Another rule is that the watchers can only praise the cocks. If one says a cock is weak, he will be driven away from the competition hollow.


Now cockfighting has become an interesting activity which is useful to the society.





In 1981 the government of Indonesia, presumably motivated by high moral principles, decreed that all forms of gambling, including cockfighting, would henceforth be illegal. The results of this law have been about the same as anywhere else in the world where popular, relatively innocuous, and slightly immoral activities have been prohibited. The practice has merely moved away from prying eyes so that it is less obvious but still very real. So popular has cockfighting been in Bali for so many decades, that it is about as realistic to tell a Balinese man that he cannot participate in his favorite sport as it is to tell the sun not to rise. 

 Concealing cockfights from the law isn't all that difficult. It is illegal to possess drugs, or firearms, but not chickens, and I have never heard of anyone being arrested for carrying a fighting cock down the street. So, the animals don't have to be concealed - just what they do to each other. And there are more than enough of out-of-the-way places in Bali to insure that this tradition is perpetuated. 

 Every now and then the cops come and break up a cockfight. But, usually they have better things to do, and they know full well that, as soon as they go away, it will be business as usual. So, the law doesn't take this matter very seriously. A local policeman who tries to keep his friends neighbors from cockfighting is not likely to be on the scene very long. 

 The main result of declaring cockfighting to be illegal is that the material aspects must be portable, in case of a sudden raid. That requires dispensing with some of the equipment that was traditional, such as round timers. It also means that villagers can't use the big, roofed arenas called wantilan that were built years ago for cockfights. But, that is no serious hindrance. In my area there is a cockfight every day. It isn't in the village, of course, but not very far away, either. nor is it advertised, but 
word gets around quickly, and all I have to do to find it is ask one of my several gambling neighbors who wouldn't dream of being absent. 

 There, just off a rutted dirt road or single track trail, perhaps behind a living fence, one will find several dozen dusty motorbikes parked somewhat out of sight under some scrub trees. And not far away is where the action is. 


 Why is cockfighting so popular? For one thing it is the slot machine or the bingo game of the third world. A fair percentage of the world's population seems to be addicted to gambling. In the West, this may require some fairly sophisticated equipment, some odds-making center, complex communications equipment, and an assurance than an unseen and perhaps unknown person will pay up if you win. Not so with cockfighting. One doesn't even need to own a cock. He can just show up and gamble to his heart's content - limited only by his pocket book, since all bets are in cash.   

 For another thing, cockfighting is exciting. Unlike the monotonous whir of the slots, there is literally blood and guts here - like the Romans throwing the Christians to the lions. There are crowds that jostle and shout. There is lots of frenzied action. Even if you don't bet, the scene may be worth the effort of getting there. Although this is almost exclusively a man's sport, there are always ladies who show up to sell snacks to the spectators, and frequently there is a necessarily portable card or dice game on the ground nearby. 

 Pulling slot machine handles or filling out bingo cards all day long is a rather anti-social existence. Cockfighting is quite the opposite. It is a chance to see one's friends, gossip, meet newcomers, and just pass the time of day. It is also the chance to make or lose a lot of money. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that the government banned it - the fact that those who bet and lost were among those who could least afford to do so. I have heard a hundred stories about locals who literally bet the farm on their favorite cocks and lost everything. 

 However, really big-time multi-million rupiah, professional cockfighting that used to be a daily event in the large public arenas in Denpasar and elsewhere in Bali has pretty well disappeared. The local, village cockfights may involve hundreds of thousands of rupiah, but seldom reach the point where a loss means a change in life style of the gamblers. Ordinary people 
may bet a few thousand here and there, but this is not really big-time, serious, dog-eat-dog betting in most cases. 

Religious Aspects 

Cockfights have one other aspect, the religious, that is not well-appreciated by visitors to Bali. One important characteristic of the Balinese Hindu religion is the making of offerings. This is a complex subject that requires here a broad, sweeping generalization. One important function of offerings is as a means of communications between man and the gods. Higher deities are given offerings that emphasize the beautiful and tasteful side of life - flowers, fruits, leaves, and the like, usually placed in containers of young coconut leaf that are cut to various degrees of intricacy. These offerings are normally placed in elevated shrines or niches, befitting the belief that these deities have physical as well as spiritual elevation. 

 No less important is a class of spirits that are impish, lustful, impetuous, greedy, unpredictable, and capable of causing harm to those who interfere with them. These lower spirits that live on or near the ground have a variety of names and characteristics. In my village they are called butakala. It is wrong to think of them as being evil spirits. As with all spirits they are ambivalent; their behavior toward man is a function of how they are treated. They are just as capable of helping and protecting their human neighbors as they are of causing sickness, accidents, or the loss of a prized possession. If they are treated with respect, according to well known principles, they can be kept under control, and, indeed, they can be depended upon for protection. 

 Butakala are more animal-like than the higher spirits and require considerable amounts of food in the form of offerings. Ceremonies that are principally directed toward butakala always require an animal sacrifice, which may range from a small chick to a water buffalo, depending upon the size and importance of the occasion. One of the most important requirements 
of butakala is a blood sacrifice that must be poured upon the ground. 
 This is where cockfights come in. Whenever there is an important Balinese Hindu ceremony, there should be a blood sacrifice made to the local butakala to win their cooperation and support. Such a ceremony might range from a rite of passage, to the anniversary celebration of a temple or shrine, to the purification of an area that is known to be adversely affected by butakala. At such a time a cockfight is legal, and, in fact, a requirement. The local cockfighters come in from the cold, so to speak, and do their thing right out in public - perhaps even inside a public temple. The losing cock contributes his blood to the butakala, and all is well. 

 Theoretically only three rounds of such a religious cockfight are legally permitted. But, things being as they are, the normal procedure is to retire to the local wantilan and continue, sometimes all day long. The police won't bother such an event since it is held under the guise of religion. 


 Cockfighting supports a considerable handicraft industry. The most obvious necessities are the big, beehive-shaped cock baskets woven in a hexagonal pattern from bamboo strips. Every road is lined with rows of these cages, called guungan siap. They are shifted regularly to give the inhabitants thereof the proper balance of light and shade. The idea of placing them near a road is to get the cocks accustomed to noise, people, and activity, so that, when put into action in the arena, they will not be afraid of the spectators and noise and run away. Hanging on the outside of the cage is a half coconut shell from which the 
cock is fed his special mixture of food and from which he is watered frequently. There are several villages in Bali in which the chief industry, next to farming, is making cock baskets. 

These baskets are too big to be used for carrying a cock to the fight on a motorbike or on foot, so there is a brisk trade in smaller, purse-like, portable baskets with carrying string that can be slung over the shoulder, or with handles that allow them to be carried like a shopping bag. 

 There are craftsmen who specialize in making the sharp steel spurs, called taji, that are tied on the cock's leg before the fight. In the old days broken automobile springs were the raw material, and the blades were straight and shaped like stilettos. Nowadays many smiths use pieces cut from hard, tough, industrial-size hacksaw blades. There are others whose specialty is sharpening the blades and removing the nicks from previous encounters. 

Animal Rights 

Many Westerners worry too much about the blood and guts aspect of cockfighting. That which provokes our elementary instincts will not provide much cultural insight. a more enlightened approach is to consider the Balinese attitude toward this activity. There is never any sense of guilt among the Balinese about that which to many outsiders might be considered inhumane treatment of animals. The Balinese are not known for their compassion for animals, except, perhaps, their cows and water buffalos. To them, the death of a chicken in the cockfight arena is in no way different from its demise under the knife in the kitchen before dinner. 


There are several words for the cockfight itself. The most common is tajen, derived from the steel spur, taji, that is tied on the cock's leg. There is a very large special vocabulary that is closely involved with chickens, fighting cocks in general, and all of the activities that a cockfight involves. I have collected 59 words that are seldom used for anything other than cockfighting, plus eight more words that are involved with the odds. There are, for example, nineteen special words that are used to escribe the color and configuration of the feathers of a cock.   

In addition to the vocabulary, there is an extensive lore in both the tangible and intangible factors that may determine the outcome of a cockfight. Certain colors of cocks should only fight certain others colors of cocks on certain days, at certain times of the day, depending, of course, upon the phase of the moon, and must be placed only in certain directions with respect to opponents. There are auspicious and inauspicious days for cockfighting that are determined by the calendar. 

These matters are the subject of endless discussions when men gather to exercise their birds at the end of a long day when the shadows are starting to lean. The squatting cock owners stage impromptu, mock fights in which the birds are released to confront each other. But, no blades are used on their legs, and no injuries result. The men handle each other's animals, massage them, ruffle their feather, pull their bills and combs, feel their muscles. This may go on for hours on end, and the scene is endlessly repeated in village after village. 


There are many preliminaries leading up to the actual fight itself. If the cockfight is not held in connection with a ceremony that fixes its beginnig, the event usually is staged in the late afternoon when the heat of the day has passed. The cocks are brought by their owners to the appointed gathering place in small, flexible carrying cages made of coconut or lontar palm leaf or bamboo. The food sellers bring their wares on their heads of by bicycle. The cages are lined up around the edge of the arena, and their handlers squat on their haunches behind them. It is a noisy, color affair, with the crowing of the cocks, the cries of the food vendors, and the raucous laughter and chatter of the crowd. Balinese are not sticklers about time, so there is usually a long wait. 

It is important to realize that, in the larger cockfights, the men who actually handle the cocks before and during the fights are often not the owners. They are expert handlers who are hired by the owners to manage the animals. A skillful handler is of great importance to an owner. The winning cock is the one that last manages to stay on its feet, even if it is mortally wounded and drops dead seconds later. A good handler has a large bag of tricks that he uses to revive a seemingly lifeless cock and instill enough spirit in him to return to the fray. He plucks, massages, and ruffles the feathers. He has salves and medicines. He may breathe on the cock's mouth, or even put the cock's whole head inside his own mouth - anything to enable the wounded bird to get in just one more blow. Because one good stab is often all it takes to turn an apparent winner into a future feather 
duster - the fate of losing cocks. Sometimes this situation is reversed. It may be the handler who seeks out the owner and pays him to allow use of his cock so that the handler can bet and win. 

Before the preliminaries begin an offering is usually placed in the fighting area. Then the handlers or owners who want to match up their cocks come out into the arena to seek opponents. Usually a miscellaneous crowd of bystanders collects too. After much wandering around and talking, quite time-consuming, a potential opponent is usually found. The two handlers involved squat down, facing each other, and, still firmly holding their birds, allow them to glare at each other and, perhaps, get in a peck or two. Ruffs flare, and the animals get very excited. Then the handlers exchange birds by simultaneously handing the bird with the right hand and receiving the other with the left. Muscles are felt and strength is tested. 

Sooner or later a match and the amount of the bet are agreed upon. If a cock is being handled by someone other than the owner, this handler must ask the owner's approval, and he may veto the match; but this is rare nowadays. After three or four pairings of opponents has been made, considered to be one set of matches, preparations are made for the fights. 

The Blade

The next step is to affix the blade, the taji, to the cock's leg. The person who does this is usually a specialist, not the owner or handler. A taji is a small steel dagger, 11 to 15 centimeters long from tip to tip. The blade is a thin diamond in cross section and terminates in an unsharpened, roundish handle that constitutes about one-third of the length of the whole taji, where the blade is attached to the bird's leg. There are all kinds of special stories and lore about taji. Menstruating women may not look upon them or touch them. Some say that they may only be sharpened at the dark of the moon. They must be forged with charcoal from a tree that has been struck by lightning, and some say that they may only be made when there is lightning going on outside. They must not be touched by a member of a family in which there has been a recent death. And so on, depending upon whom you listen to and where you are. A good taji may cost up to Rp 10,000. There are usually several tying specialists around, to be hired for a small fee to affix the blades. Or, it sometimes happens that the handler has his own taji. The taji are carried in a little wooden or leather wallet containing usually 6 to 12 taji of different sizes. The appropriate size for the cock at hand is selected. 

The blade is attached, normally to the left leg, by wrapping twine around the leg and handle of the taji. This is an extremely important part of the preparation. If a blade is improperly fastened, the cock will be at a great disadvantage. There are numerous ways of attaching the blade by tying it in various positions relative to the foot of the cock and at various angles. 
Each of these has a special name. If the bird is small, the taji is attached to the outside of the leg; if large on the inside. The angle of attachment is also critical. Thus, a good tying specialist is very important. Sometimes, when one cock clearly outweighs the other, the heavier one is handicapped by modifying the attachment of the blade. But, this is never done unless both owners agree. While the blade is being attached, the cock is held by the assistant. Holding tight is important. The blade is razor sharp and could critically injure the wrapper or a spectator if uncontrolled. Casual spectators, even the betters themselves, are often wounded seriously by cocks that seek to escape. 


When all pairs of cocks for the first set of matches are ready, the arena clears out, and the first match begins. The handlers of the first two cocks meet, with their birds, in the center of the arena and give to one of the referees the cash that represents the central bet. This is the bet that was agreed upon when the match was made a few minutes earlier. And it is always even money - no odds. The money is provided by the owners, who usually get contributions from family, friends, and backers in the crowd. The bet may be considerable. Even at the small matches, a central bet of Rp 100,000 is not unusual. And at the really big cockfights as much as Rp 1 million is often et. 

There are always several referees, in the arena. But, the chief judge is the man in charge. He must be a man of impeccable honesty and reputation, and he must have no relationship to or interest in any of the owners, handlers, or cocks. His word is undisputed law in the arena. If he is tainted in any way, honest people will not fight their cocks under him. 

Before gambling was outlawed in Indonesia, the system of judges, referees, and time keepers was fairly elaborate, often with a permanent arena, tables, benches, and all the paraphernalia required. Nowadays, except for matches that take place in a religious context, cockfights must be conducted with an eye out for a raid by the police. This makes it impossible to use anything that cannot be quickly packed up and carried hastily away to safety. And so there are now usually no special facilities. Any open area will do. There is usually no special timing equipment. There is not a retinue of judges and referees. Things are kept simple because of the possible necessity of a hasty retreat. 

The referee now announces the amount of the central bet. This is of interest to all, because it indicates the confidence that the owners and handlers have in their animals, and thus will influence the amounts of the side bets. Now the side betting begins - that is, the bets between members of the audience or between them and the cock owners or handlers. To the uninitiated, this phase of the proceedings is utter chaos. Betters yell at each other, wave money around, stand up and gesticulate wildly, and make unfathomable signals with fingers and hands. But, to the aficionado, this is all a very interesting intricate, and carefully structured series of events. And the side betting tells perhaps more about Balinese character than any other aspect of cockfighting. It is as if one were attending a horse race meeting at a medium large track and there were no ticket windows or 
pari-mutuel machines. 

The central bet is always even money. The side bets are never even money. The most fascinating thing is the way in which the odds are set. First the favorite and the underdog must be established. The first shouts of the betting are generally made  by the experienced, more or less professional betters. These are the men whom one sees at almost every cockfight. They follow the fights around and have no regular jobs except gambling. These men quickly assess the two cocks, using their considerable knowledge and experience, and decide which is the favorite. And then they start shouting its color. The shout is a staccato repetition of the color name. For example, bieng means red and white. So, if a red and white cock is being pushed as favorite, one hears: "bieng, bieng, bieng, bieng, bieng, bieng...." in rapid fire. There are a great many ways in which color is classified. Some examples are: putih, white; barak, red; buik, speckled green and black; selem, black; brumbun, black, red, and white, and so on. These colors generally refer to the color of the cock's collar or ruff and not to the overall body color. If two cocks have the same color, some other differing aspect will be called out - for example the size of the tail, the size of the body, or even the side or compass direction of the arena that the cock is located in. The latter is done either by shouting the direction 
name or waving with the hand, palm toward the cock that the better is backing. 

Other, less experienced betters listen carefully to the first calls and generally follow their lead. But, strict attention is required, because the favorite may change, depending upon the opinions of the betters and the overall sentiment of the crowd. If more people yell one color name than the other, and do so more vigorously, the former will replace the latter as the temporary favorite. 

10. Odds 

After the first color shouts, made to establish the favorite, those who wish to bet on the underdog start yelling the odds that they want. Thus, the color shouters are the backers of the favorite and the odds yellers are backing the underdog. The object is for two of these opposing betters to find each other in a crowd when they are separated by a distance as great as the width of the arena, packed so tightly together that even standing up is difficult, and walking around is impossible. This is done, however, with great efficiency and ease. There are names for the various odds, as follows: 

10 / 9=dapang 
5 / 4=gasal 
4 / 3=cok( soft c, pronounced chock) 
3 / 2=tludo 
5 / 3=tlewin 
2 / 1=apit 
5 / 2=nglimin 

And if a better shouts balu, or sapih after the odds, he wants to win even if the fight ends in a draw - a rare event. The first four on the list, the lowest odds, are by far the most common. The backer of the underdog tries to get the longest odds possible, and the favorite backer tries to get the shortest. The underdog backers usually start at about 3/2 and are forced by 
lack of takers to work down to lower odds. The favorite backers look for shouters of low odds, but, if there are none, have to settle for higher odds. Both types of backers usually indicate the amount they want to bet by holding up fingers. 

Curiously enough, the monetary unit of betting is not the Indonesian rupiah, the standard of currency for the entire country, but, rather, the ringgit, a unit of money used many years ago when Indonesia was a Dutch colony, and long since abandoned. No prices anywhere in Bali are quoted in ringgit except bets on cockfights, and there nothing but ringgit are used. Since there is no ringgit currency, bets are necessarily paid off in rupiah, but they are always made in ringgit. It is rather like the guinea in British 
transactions involving very expensive objects with snob appeal. The number of fingers held up indicates the number of thousands of ringgits that are being wagered, unless the better indicates by his shouts that it should be interpreted as hundreds of ringgit. One ringgit is 2 1/2 rupiah, regardless of foreign exchange. So, two fingers means 2,000 ringgit or Rp 5,000, which 
is an average size side bet at a medium size cockfight. 

Favorite and underdog backers scan the crowd quickly, looking for an acceptor. It is usually the favorite backers who stand and wave toward their choice, while the underdog backers wave rupiah notes, not to indicate the amount they wish to bet, but just to attract attention. When eye contact is made with a likely looking prospect, there ensues a complex and rapid series of signals that make sure each understands the nature of the bet. Palm waving indicates the favorite. Finger extension indicates the bet size. Lip movements enforce the signals, because the din makes oral communication impossible at a distance. If the bet is agreed upon, the two men signal the fact by touching their heads or pulling at the fronts of their shirts. If there is isagreement, they break eye contact and look elsewhere. If an odds shouter cannot get a bet, he lowers his odds one notch on the scale and keeps trying, getting closer to, but never attaining, even money. The  handlers often bet too, spurring the crowd to back their cocks by holding them aloft and walking around the arena. During this phase of proceedings, confusion and noise are maximum. The sounds are deafening, as the odds criers yell out: "cok, cok, cok, cok", or: "gasal, gasal, gasal, gasal." The favorite backers shout their colors in a frenzied patter. There is much waving and shouting and gesturing to attract attention. 

While the betting is going on the handlers carry the cocks to the center of the arena and incite them to fury by pushing them at each other, plucking their combs, and bouncing them on the ground. Betting frenzy reaches utter pandemonium as fight time approaches and those so far unsuccessful at placing bets try frantically to do so at the last minute. 

The Fight 

When the referee feels that betting has gone far enough, he indicates that the match should begin. The crowd suddenly becomes quiet after a few last-minute bets are quickly placed. The referee and the judges, any, squat down in the corners of the arena, and the handlers release their charges from opposite sides of the arena, at a distance. Anything can happen. 
Usually the birds fluff their ruffs, extend their necks, and, after a preliminary glare, have at each other in a fury of feathers and flying feet, so quickly that the eye can hardly follow the action. The crowd groans and shouts, almost as one man, following the action with united body English. Rather soon one cock lands a solid stab with its taji. At once its handler signals the head referee to stop the first round. This is done to prevent the two animals from making further contact, since the wounded cock could easily stab the one that stabbed him, when the latter closes in to peck him to death. The time keeper nlw starts his count. 

In the old days the time keeper used a unique kind of clock called ceng, a half coconut shell with a hole in the bottom, placed, large side up, in a bucket of water. Its sinking time, obviously rather variable from place to place, but usually about 10 seconds, is also called one ceng. The time keeper's gong was sounded once after each ceng. Three ceng are allowed between rounds. Nowadays the referee simply counts off the seconds out loud so all can hear. 

Meanwhile the handler of the wounded cock works frantically over his bird, trying all of his tricks to revive it and give it spirit. And he is often quite successful, the injured animal, seemingly indifferent to its wound, sails right into the other one. At the end of the third ceng, both cocks have to be put on the ground immediately. Failure to do so forfeits the match. Round two starts. If the wounded cock cannot stand, and if the other one can stand for one ceng, the match is over. If the two birds start 
fighting, the match proceeds as in round one, until one or the other is struck. The fighting is again stopped, a three- ceng period is allowed for the revival of the injured animal, and the fight continues. If both cocks are still going strong after five rounds, the match is declared a draw. This seldom occurs. The time keeper used to keep track of rounds on a special counter, a wooden frame with a horizontal wire. Five wooden strips were suspended vertically from the wire, sort of like the beads of an abacus. The timer pushed one counter aside after each round. 

It frequently happens that the wounded cock loses its appetite for fighting. Or, in some cases, a cock may not have any desire to fight at all right from the beginning, and tries to escape from the arena. The crowd scatters quickly because  wildly escaping cock with a lethal dagger strapped to its leg could cause great harm. One or another of the spectators grabs it by the neck and returns it to the ring. The handler has 9 ceng to get his animal back into action or he forfeits the fight. 

Another rest is signaled if the cocks do not start fighting, but, rather, merely walk around the arena without trying to escape. During this time the handlers of the reluctant cocks try to urge them on. In the next round, if they are unsuccessful, and the cocks do not clash, the winner is determined by use of an ordinary bamboo cock cage without a bottom. It is the tie breaker - the finisher. There must always be a winner. The two reluctant cocks are placed on the ground under the cage, and the referee brings it down quickly and leaves it down for one ceng. The head referee looks carefully from close up. Victory goes simply to the aggressor. It not need kill or even wound the other cock, although it frequently does. kill the other. It merely has to display aggression. But, if the two cocks, now face to face with no retreat, start to fight again, the cage is removed and the fight continues as before. The second round, if there is one, and succeeding rounds, is always started with the two cocks facing each other close together in the center of the arena, where a small square is marked, rather from the sides of the arena, as when the fight starts. 

As soon as the winner is declared the bets must be paid up. Side bets are paid in cash - at once. No IOUs. In large, crowded arenas those who are wedged into the crowd wad up their bills and throw them at the persons who won their money. If the money misses or lands in the arena, someone always forwards it to the rightful owner. There is remarkably little bickering and 
dispute over who owes what to whom. 

The owner of the winning cock gets the entire central bet, which has been kept by the referee during the fight. From this he must pay the handlers, the blade affixer, the percentage to the house, and all those who contributed to his share of the central bet. He also gets the body of the losing cock. He always gives the chopped off taji leg to the tying specialist who unwinds the string, puts the blade back in stock, and looks for further work. 

The match itself has lasted only a few minutes. At once the second match of the set begins. The cocks have already had their taji attached. Their handlers carry them into the arena, the central bet is quickly made, and the side betting begins just as before. There is no connection at all between the separate matches. One set consists of four or five matches. When they 
are over, the handlers and hangers-on come out into the arena and start looking for opponents, just as they did before the first set. This goes on all afternoon until dark, thec crowd never thinning until it is all over. Since many temple anniversary festivals last for three days, there are often cockfights on three successive days too. 

Cockfights are regularly held at ceremonies that occur in family house compounds when it has been determined that the grounds are unclean and need some sort of purification so as to make the place livable. At such times a very large offering, called a caru, is made inside an enclosure of coconut leaf mats, and the butakala asked to help the people who own the property, rather than interfere with daily activities. This is inevitably preceded by a cockfight, as the word gets around fast, and villagers from all overcome and stage an impromptu tajen right inside the family house compound. There is a small, important shrine just outside the front door of my house. On the day of its anniversary, every 210 days, as many as 50 men gather for the obligatory tajen. The family with whom I live are not gamblers and don't even own a single fighting cock. But, they consider it imperative to participate in the fight, and so they buy a cock from a friend, give it to a neighbor to handle in the first fight, and place small bets on it, just so that they can be a part of the activities of the anniversary of their shrine. 

Gambling on cocks has been responsible for the dissipation of a good many Balinese fortunes, large and small. Many a rajah of old lost his palace, wives, and treasure by being cock crazy, as the Balinese call an habitual better. I have heard from many of my Balinese friends how their fathers or grandfathers were reduced to poverty by this addicting habit. 

Cockfights & Culture 

It is difficult to penetrate the shell of many cultures. The adjective inscrutable has been overworked in the case of Asia, but it is apt. Fear of misunderstanding and ridicule, desire to maintain privacy, and unwillingness to risk profanation of the sacred have required some groups to erect formidable barriers that prevent perforation by the casual observer. But, every now and then one finds an opening, a cultural crack through which a glimpse of the interior is possible. 
Such cracks often occur in connection with public events that are so popular and are participated in with such vigor and enthusiasm that, for the time being, the protective reserve and dignity and politeness shown to foreigners are forgotten, and the real values and character of the people hang out, so to speak, for everyone to see. 
Fighting cocks, cockfighting, and wagering on the fights have been popular obsessions with the Balinese for generations. The tourist who can worm his way into the sweating, jostling, noisy, gesticulating crowd of men and join them, standing around an open arena, watching the proceedings, might wonder if he has stepped into a different country. Are these the graceful, deferential, dignified people whom he has seen in his hotel? Are these the same individuals who carry the offerings to the temples and pray with such lovely and heart-felt fervor? There is no better place than the cockfight to observe Balinese values and behavior. But, the casual observer is likely to focus his attention on the brief cockfight itself. This is understandable. The boisterous crowd itself is a sight to behold. As it suddenly quieted down and the action began, the fast and furious flurries of engagement are punctuated with the ohhhh's, and ahhhh's of the audience. The impressions of color and primeval combat were blurs of color. and suddenly it is over, and the tourist leaves. 
But, if that is the only impression, the visitor misses most of the significance. The preliminaries and the post script, the daily treatment of the fighting cocks, the arcane lore of the sport, and especially the intricacies of the betting are as integral a part of the story as the fight itself. And, unfortunately, they are aspects that most people miss because they occur in such a seemingly chaotic fashion as to make them unintelligible to anyone but the person who would take the time and trouble to investigate. 
 Nowadays it is not easy for the casual tourist even to find a cockfight. Years ago they were common, daily events. Visitors to Bali with sufficient interest, flexibility, and time will find it very interesting to inquire from local people when and where cockfights are going to occur so that they can look for themselves through this window of Balinese culture. 



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